Energy Services

Providing customized, best-in-class solutions for your residential or commercial building project!

Your Building Efficiency Experts

Our team can provide you with top notch energy audits and performance testing for your residential or commercial building project.

We have a solid team of experienced energy auditors and subject matter experts from a range of fields and specialties available to meet your project needs. We equip our team with  cutting edge equipment and expertise needed to provide you with customized, best in class solutions for your project.

See what we have to offer

Streamlined & Comprehensive Energy Services

Through our in-house expertise and strategic partnerships with subject matter experts, we aim to make your life easier. 

We're proud to provide you with comprehensive energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability consulting services.

Our services include:


Analysis and feasibility services for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems

Building design reviews for high-performance building optimization

Sustainability program development for building in-house sustainability capacity and occupant engagement

Waste and water management assessments for both indoor and outdoor environments

Financing strategies and financial analysis for optimizing your bottom line


Detailed, Actionable Reporting

Our detailed energy audit reports provide a quick summary overview to help you make data based decisions.

Imagine making decisions with the total estimated project cost, available rebates, simple payback as well as internal rates of return and other financial metrics summarized in a way that can be quickly digested!

With Green Building Hawaii, you have all the information you need to understand what's happening, tailored to be easily put into action by building owners and financial officers. This summary is all backed by detailed line by line energy conservation measures (ECMs) showing the same financial information making it easy to see which ECMs have the lowest and highest rates of return.

Building Design Reviews

Energy Rebate Processing

Materials and Site Analysis

Full Service Photovoltaic & Solar Hot Water Analysis

Lighting and HVAC / Air Conditioning Audits

Thermal Imaging Scans

Thermal Comfort Optimization

Building Envelope Testing

Energy, Waste and Water Efficiency Management

Occupant and Stakeholder Engagement

Sustainability Program Development

Financing Strategies and Financial Analysis